Theater, Autism, Alternative CommunicationAbstract
The theatrical language constitutes an artistic field of codes and techniques. Theater teaching is a great challenge and when talking about Animation Theater and in the context of inclusion, it is clear that there is a gap in knowledge. This work aims to understand how theater and theatrical games can contribute to the development of communication of people with autism. Methodologically, action research was used in the context of art education. It was held from February 2019 to October 2020, weekly, comprising a total of 47 meetings, with two boys with autism. To carry out the research, the instruments were participant observation and intervention with theatrical games. As results stand out: dolls, puppets, finger puppets, shadows and/or objects can provide children with autism with new ways of dealing with the world and with concrete matter; it is necessary to adapt approaches, strategies and methods so that the theater teacher can work with students with disabilities; the Alternative Communication was fundamental for the interaction and learning process of students with autism; the construction of an artistic role for children with autism; the bodies of these children proved to be one of the vehicles of communication and identity. It is concluded that it is possible to link the teaching of Puppet Theater with Alternative Communication for working with children with autism, promoting inclusion in the universe of art.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Lucas Wendel Silva SANTOS, Erica Daiane Ferreira CAMARGO, Rosana Carla do Nascimento GIVIGI
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