Arte, Arte/educação, BNCCAbstract
ABSTRACT- This article addresses the process of institutionalization of education in Brazil, the guidelines of the National Common Curricular Base for the comprehensive development of the student building a dialogue between the authors João Francisco Duarte Júnior and Elliot Eisner, presenting aspects in which art can contribute to the achievement of the goals outlined in BNCC. According to the authors, the teaching of art, when presented in a meaningful way, comes to contemplate the cognitive, intellectual and emotional aspects of the student, sensitive experiences that are aligned to the interests of the student, in art teaching are shown as important contributors to an emancipatory education for the student. In the sense that art is not only a subject, but also a human language, an area of knowledge, cultural heritage and an instrument of expression for the student, art teaching through the triangular approach, briefly
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Copyright (c) 2022 Cristiane Lawall, Laura Ribero Rueda, Júlio César da Rosa Herbstrith
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