Spaces to circumscribe the search
An imaginative exercise to investigate singularities
Singularity, Arts Research, Writing Strategies and ProceduresAbstract
This text emanates from the singularity of its author as a set of actions that depart from its strategies and its creation procedures in the development of its own scenic poetics. It is completed in a writing that aims to preserve the subjective occurrences of its elaboration process, being also creative. This text chews on ideas (Joyce, 2012) and raises spaces (Perec, 2001) from the investigation of known points (Tavares, 2021) in an imagined conversation between the author and the person who reads. A way of writing about the poetics of singularities is sought from a thought that moves subjectively, just like the flow inherent to creative processes enlivened by experience and that guide the ideas exposed in this imaginative exercise. Thus, the writing performed here seeks resonances in those who, eventually, will be able to read this text.
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CARRARO, Gílian. Como vivo. Poema não-publicado. (1966-2002).
JOYCE, James. Ulysses. Tradução: Caetano W. Galindo. São Paulo: Penguin Classics Companhia das Letras, 2012.
MÁRQUEZ, Gabriel García. Viver para contar. Tradução: Eric Nepomuceno. 8ª Edição. Rio de Janeiro Record, 2009.
PEREC, Georges. Especies de espacios. Tradução: Jesús Camarero. Espanha: Montesinos/Intervencion Cultural, 2001.
TAVARES, Gonçalo M. Atlas do corpo e da imaginação: teoria, fragmentos e imagens. Porto Alegre: Dublinense, 2021.
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