Pesquisa. Formação. Artes Visuais.Abstract
This article aims to analyze the methodologies of Art-Based Research (ABR) and Art-Based Educational Research (ABER), and how they present themselves as alternatives to the linear and prescriptive thinking traditionally used in academic environments. It proposes as the locus of investigation the studies carried out by the authors in a research group and as teachers of the Art and Research subject in an undergraduate course in Visual Arts (BA and BSc). The study also highlights Silvio Zamboni's contribution to art research in Brazil and the importance of the National Curriculum Guidelines for Visual Arts Courses as a framework for the inclusion of research in this training. It asks how to integrate the subjectivity and creativity of art into scientific research and how the PBA and PEBA methodologies can expand the possibilities of creation and pedagogical practices in the visual arts. The results point to the need for Visual Arts training to integrate the reflexive approach of research with the subjective issues of artistic making, considering the impact of these processes on training processes.
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