blackamoor; representação, negro; subserviente; iconografia da escravidão;Abstract
This paper seeks to understand the use of the black image, but specifically of immigrant Moors from Italy represented as objects of decoration considered as exotic and called blackamoors. This typically male representation, in its iconographic diversity, presents only the head, or head and shoulders, facing the viewer in a symmetrical pose. Although, in decorative sculpture, the entire body is represented, to hold trays as visual servers or bronze sconces to hold candles or lamps, depicted in pairs. They can be incorporated into small stands, tables or andirons. There are those blackamoors who are in acrobatic positions that would be impossible to maintain for an extended period of time for a real person. As a methodology, we also seek to analyze six examples from the iconography, an analysis proposed by Panofsky. Iconography is the study and interpretation of the form of an art to understand the context and aesthetics of the different works under study, the ways of life and the insertion in the social context.
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