
  • Juliana Maria Ebert Muller UFPel
  • Marinês da Silva UFPEL
  • Ana Paula Batista Araujo UFPel



Art. Child Education. Pandemic.



This research aims to analyze the practice of art in early childhood education and child development in pandemic times. It addresses the issue of distancing between the teacher and the student during the pandemic, seeking to identify the difficulties and give new meaning to school practices. This work presents a research product developed with professionals in early childhood education and in the arts, who articulate their pedagogical practice. As an analysis resulting from the research process, it was noticed that the use of technologies became essential to minimize the distance between school and students in social isolation, and that in this process of transformation it is evident that the act of teaching Arts is an indispensable relational activity to coexistence, communication and cooperation. The use of technologies became essential to minimize the distance between school and students who were experiencing social isolation.


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Author Biographies

Juliana Maria Ebert Muller, UFPel

Graduação em Pedagogia - ULBRA

Pós graduação em Mídias na Educação UFPEL

Pós graduação em Artes na Educação UFPEL

Especialização em Designer Grafic - SCUOLA ETTORE RUOLLI - Roma / Itália

Marinês da Silva, UFPEL

Formada em Pedagogia pela Universidade Ulbra

Pós Graduada em Ludopedagia pela Universidade Faveni

Pós Graduação e especialista em Artes pela  (UFPel)

Técnica em Multimeios Didáticos pelo IFSul

Ana Paula Batista Araujo, UFPel

Prof. Ana Paula Batista Araujo

Mestre em Memória Social e Patrimônio Cultural (UFPel)

Esp. em Linguagens Verbais, Visuais e suas Tecnologias (IFSul)

Lic. Artes Visuais- Hab. Desenho e Computação Gráfica (UFPel)

Doutoranda Programa de Pós Graduação em Educação e Tecnologia (IFSul)

Pesquisadora do Grupo de Pesquisa TEDCOM - Tecnologias Educacionais na Conectividade e Mobilidade



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How to Cite

Ebert Muller, J. M., da Silva, M. ., & Batista Araujo, A. P. . (2023). THE ARTISTIC PRACTICE IN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION IN TIMES OF PANDEMIC. Revista Da FUNDARTE, 55(55).