
  • Cristina Rolim Wolffenbüttel Universidade Estadual do Rio Grande do Sul - UERGS, Montenegro/Osório/Porto Alegre, RS/Brasil https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7204-7292




Educação, Arte, Fazer artístico


É com grande satisfação que apresentamos a 61ª edição da Revista da Fundarte, dedicada ao tema "Ação e Formação: Caminhos para o Educar e o Fazer em Arte". Nesta edição, exploramos as diversas facetas da educação artística e sua importância na formação de indivíduos críticos e autônomos, tecendo uma trama rica e complexa que conecta diferentes perspectivas e abordagens sobre o papel da arte na educação e na sociedade.


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Author Biography

Cristina Rolim Wolffenbüttel, Universidade Estadual do Rio Grande do Sul - UERGS, Montenegro/Osório/Porto Alegre, RS/Brasil

Post-Doctorate, Doctor and Master in Music Education. Graduated in Music. Specialist in Informatics in Education: Emphasis on Instrumentation. Specialist in Brazilian Literature. Specialist in Philosophy. Specialist in Early Childhood Education and Early Years. Pro-Rector of Extension at the State University of Rio Grande do Sul (Uergs). Professor of the Undergraduate Course in Music: Licentiate, at Uergs. Professor of the Graduate Program in Education, at the State University of Rio Grande do Sul (PPGED/Uergs). Coordinator of Line 2: Arts in Educational Contexts of PPGED/Uergs. Coordinator of the Specialization Course in Music Education, at Uergs. Leader of the Research Groups Music Education: Different Times and Spaces (Grupem) and Art: Creation, Interdisciplinarity and Education (ArtCIEd), registered at CNPq, and certified by Uergs. Music Teacher at the Municipality of Porto Alegre. Member of the Advisory Committee for Arts and Letters of the Research Support Foundation of Rio Grande do Sul (FAPERGS). Vice-President of the Gaucho Folklore Commission, and member of the Santos Herrmann Foundation. Received the Young Researcher Award, from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, in 1988, with the research Lullabies, supervised by Prof. Dr. Rose Marie Reis Garcia, with the objective of rescuing, collecting, analyzing and characterizing lullabies. In 2010, she received the Betinho Citizen Attitude Award, from the Committee of Entities in the Fight Against Hunger and for Life (COEP), in recognition of the actions in music, developed in the municipal public schools of Porto Alegre, enhancing COEP, in the fight against hunger and for the promotion of citizenship. In 2011, she received the Dante de Laytano Medal, in recognition of the relevant services rendered to the preservation, promotion, research and defense of folklore and popular cultural manifestations in Rio Grande do Sul. In 2013, she received the Gaucho Woman Trophy, from the Secretariat of Policies for Women/SPM-RS, for the body of work in research on Folklore and Music Education. She received the honor, in 2021, of naming the Cristina Rolim Wolffenbüttel Library, at the Ana Beatriz Lemos Municipal Elementary School, in Montenegro, Rio Grande do Sul. From the scientific production, individual and partnership publications stand out. She is the author of the books Folklore and Folk Music: what students experience and think, The Insertion of Music in Political Pedagogical Projects of Basic Education, Music in the Montenegro Region, Lullabies, Sung Rosary: popular religiosity in the Montenegro Region, Rescuing the Tales and Legends of Our Land, in addition to articles in scientific journals of Music, Education, Music Education, Education and Popular Culture. In the artistic field, she acted as a violinist in the Orchestra of the 25 de Julho Cultural Center, and was the conductor of the Sévigné College Choir, both in Porto Alegre. In Montenegro, she was the conductor of the Vox Noctis Gregorian Chant Group and the Fundarte Choir. In the city of Gravataí, she was the conductor of the Children's and Adult choirs. She is an entry in the Dictionary of Women, authored by Hilda Agnes Hubner Flores, and in the Dictionary of Music Education, by José Nunes Fernandes.


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How to Cite

Wolffenbüttel, C. R. (2024). EDITORIAL: AÇÃO E FORMAÇÃO: CAMINHOS PARA O EDUCAR E O FAZER EM ARTE. Revista Da FUNDARTE, 61(61), e1589. https://doi.org/10.19179/rdf.v61i61.1589