When be the turn of Slum, entire city will sing
Crossings between empowerment, art and education thought marginalized youths
Youths, Empowerment, ArtsAbstract
Considering the idea of youths, crossed for yours social and historical aspects, the present study deal with the questions about youths in social vulnerability, most specifically, about empowering, thinking from the place of art as an impact tool. Thereby, the present paper has as proposed questioning the education, art and empowering field, in a wide way connected, thinking, moreover, in the aesthetic field and social subversion. To this end, the discussions was built up with authors of different fields as Freire (2019), Hooks (2018) e Berth (2019). In our work be thought routes thru art and education to promote sharing spaces of artistic creation with and to young people, something demanded from them and thinking in an educational and artistic practice that addresses to social questions and stands in an education to freedom and critical view about the world.
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