
  • Maria Consuelo Oliveira Santos Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte




Afro-aesthetic; Dance; Corporality


This paper presents the first data of the research regarding the importance of the work of Pearl Primus, an avant-garde dancer-choreographer who spread the use of African themes in modern dance. The objectives refer to obtaining and presenting biographical information, analysis of more representative works, as well as to verify the resonance of her productions in the dance space and, even, in contemporary times. The methodology is qualitative in scope and supported by bibliographic and documentary sources. Topics such as corporality and dance, aesthetic activism, dance as a social weapon are some categories identified in her Afro-aesthetic choreographies.


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How to Cite

Oliveira Santos, M. C. (2022). A DANÇA ENQUANTO ARMA SOCIAL MEDIANTE O ATIVISMO ESTÉTICO COREOGRÁFICO DE PEARL PRIMUS. Revista Da FUNDARTE, 49(49). https://doi.org/10.19179/rdf.v49i49.1086