Rosana Paulino and Ethnic-Racial Relations Education: contributions to thinking about criticism and pedagogical power



  • Lucas Nascimento Braga Silva Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS)
  • Geovana Cyrne Cunha UFpel



Pedagogical power of the image, Ethnic-Racial Education, Visual Culture


This text aims to analyze the pedagogical power of the work of artist and educator Rosana Paulino in Education for Ethnic-Racial Relations. It proposes a theoretical and conceptual exercise, which looks at the conjugations between the works of Paulino and Educação para Ethnico-Racial Relations. Rosana Paulino is a black artist whose poetics are focused on issues of gender, race and identity, bringing in her works historical problems related to slavery, racism and inequalities with the black population. From the analysis of the work Classifying is knowing? (2016) and the teaching experience of two art teachers from public schools in the cities of Sapucaia do Sul (RS) and Montenegro (RS), we sought to understand the contribution of the works to the work. Education of Ethnic-Racial Relations mainly in the school environment. As a methodological option, the production and reflective writing of an essay resulted in the necessary discussions to answer the following question: How does Rosana Paulino's work contribute to education for the Education of Ethnic-Racial Relations? As conclusions, it is possible to relate the pedagogical contributions of the aforementioned artist's work to contribute to the production of knowledge in the field of arts and education.


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How to Cite

Braga Silva, L. N., & Cunha, G. C. (2022). Rosana Paulino and Ethnic-Racial Relations Education: contributions to thinking about criticism and pedagogical power: CONTRIBUIÇÕES PARA PENSAR A CRÍTICA E A POTÊNCIA PEDAGÓGICA. Revista Da FUNDARTE, 50(50).