Educational Action in Museums; Contemporary Art; Vera Chaves Barcellos Foundation;Abstract
This article analyzes the educational actions in contemporary art related to the exhibition Eu Estou Aqui Agora promoted by the Vera Chaves Barcellos Foundation (VCBF), in 2019, with the Educational Program of the institution, which is responsible for the creation and development of actions through printed and digital educational material, training courses for Teachers, among other actions that are part of the program. This paper seeks to understand the impacts and importance in the reality of the educators and students involved. The identification of the actions occurred by the analyzes of the institution's website, printed educational material, interviews with the coordination of the educational sector of the Foundation and the pedagogical coordinator of the Education Department of the city of Viamão, and also with a teacher who participated in the educational activities of the exhibition and who was able to work with his students on the activities proposed by these actions, reporting the importance of his experiences in the institution, at the school and with his students. This study describes the potential in the educational process when using contemporary art in a program created to suit the needs of the community where the Foundation is inserted in.
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