Narratives of a Professional, Artistic, and Pedagogical Experience in CAPS Workshops
Art and politics, Mental health, Art workshop, CAPS, Art/educationAbstract
This article aims to highlight a professional experience in the field of art, which involved engaging with the area of mental health. With an explanation and contextualization of Brazil's social and political situation, it presents the challenges faced by an art teacher, who was trained to work in Basic Education, when confronted with the reality of CAPS (Psychosocial Care Centers) while working as an Art Workshop Facilitator. The author sought to present the institutional functioning aspects of CAPS, touching on the pedagogical knowledge of the arts that guided her role in that context. In the end, it draws parallels between the School and the Psychosocial Care Center, involving their specificities and discrepancies in functions and objectives.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Gabriela Paludo Sulczinski, Maristani Polidori Zamperetti
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