Theater, Art, culture and diversityAbstract
Abstract: This work elucidated an observation of the current Brazilian social reality and through a bibliographic research it was possible to structure the research through the following triad: Art, Culture and Diversity. This work was developed together with the formation of the cbear for improvement UNIAFRO - Policy for the Promotion of Racial Equality at School, carried out in 2014 by the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), which aims to promote afrodescendant culture in schools, highlighting its history and rescuing its origins. With this, this work aims to promote the importance of black culture through a dynamic coming from the theater. The whole activity, as well as his lesson plan, was designed to contemplate the histories of this culture. Therefore, this work develops cultural diversity through the dynamics of puppets, with the notion of valuing Afrodescendant culture. For this research are consulted the following authors: Vasconcellos (2002), Almeida (2010), Sacristán (2002), Siebert and Chiarelli (2012), Silva and Urbaneski (2012), Ferraz (2010) and Ferraz and Fusari (2010).
Keywords: Theater; Art; Culture and Diversity;
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