olhar para Um Ator e uma performer em Palmas


  • Thaise Luciane Nardim Universidade Federal do Tocantins



Ensino de Teatro, pesquisa-docência-criação, teoria dos afetos, crítica de teatro


The text presents a situated reflection on the experience of the author of the play-class Um Ator, by the actor-teacher Marcial de Asevedo. Creating a field for the contamination between Affect Theory, contemporary scene and its pedagogies, it presents the analysis of this experience, in an investigation intertwined by the author and the character's training process, who shared the training school in theatrical interpretation and, today, are colleagues on a degree course in theater teaching. Taking characteristics of the play, such as the gesture of caring and the dualism between reason and emotion, the text concludes by the need to elaborate forms of research-teaching-creation that are built as a force of opposition to the residual dualist approaches of modern reason.


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How to Cite

Nardim, T. L. (2022). AFETOS ENTRE ATUAÇÃO E ENSINO: olhar para Um Ator e uma performer em Palmas. Revista Da FUNDARTE, 52(52).