


Teaching in Visual Arts, Artistic Poetics, Postal Art


This text rehearses the artistic poetics in teaching and thinks about the ways in which the teacher reinvents and re-proposes himself to awaken a contemporary and critical look with students. Composing artistic practice, teaching experiences and theoretical framework, we seek to propose some assumptions about teaching in the teaching of contemporary art. Among the theoretical framework, stand out Zordan (2007), Loponte (2013), Pillar (2001), among others. The study presents a perspective of proposing and exercising alternatives to work on artistic poetics at a time when social isolation and the pandemic as a whole, of the new coronavirus occurred. To intertwine visual poetics with teaching, reinventing it and, at the same time, summoning the student to reflect on themselves, from their origins, their history and expressing themselves through the body. As a means of production for poetic elaboration, we rescued Postal Art, taking into account the current circumstances and in the entire current historical context, it allows those involved to dialogue about reflections on art and its intertwining with everyday life.


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How to Cite

Broda, G. C. da S. C., de Oliveira Andrade, G., & Schneider, D. (2022). THE REINVENTION OF TEACHING AND ARTISTIC POETRY IN TIMES OF PANDEMICS THROUGH POSTAL ART. Revista Da FUNDARTE, 48(48).