Livro di´datico, BNCC, Ensino de ArteAbstract
The present work aims to analyze the textbook of Art for the Final Years of Elementary School, considering the didactic and methodological structure of the work, as well as its relationship with the teaching of Art as a component of the Language Area, according to the organization of the Common National Curriculum Base (BNCC), a guiding document for school curricula. For this purpose, the analysis turns to the 6th grade book, belonging to a collection of Art books from the 6th to 9th grade of Elementary School, entitled "Por Toda pArte", by FTD Publisher (2018), approved by the National Plan of Textbook as a suggestion to be adopted by schools, in force until the year 2022. For the analysis, we relied on two specific competences in the area of Languages, which component is included, and a specific one on Art for the Final Years of Elementary School. The adopted methodology is of the qualitative type, and as a technical procedure the documental analysis and the bibliographical review as a theoretical reference, through theses and dissertations defended in Graduate programs that relate to the subject. The study revealed that the analyzed book is in accordance with the competences of the analyzed BNCC, where the chapters of the work can be worked according to the teacher's context in the presented order or randomly. Also with regard to the skills analyzed, the work contemplates in its entirety, the theoretical presentation of the themes and the approach in the perspective of the History of Art are presented continuously in the proposed activities, also contemplating multiple artistic languages, such as music , dance and individual or collective artistic production activities by students. It is suggested to continue the study, so that the analysis is extended to the entire collection or other art collection, in view of the little academic production on the subject as well as related research.
Keywords: Textbook; BNCC; Teaching of Art.
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